Practice Tests
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All AP Exams
AP Computer Science Principles Practice Exam
All AP Computer Science Principles Practice Exams Take an AP computer science principles practice exam below. Each exam includes detailed answer explanations. Make sure to
AP Lang Practice Test
Full-Length AP English Language Practice Test Take our AP lang practice test. You can take our full-length exam (simulated like the actual exam) or just
AP Calculus AB Practice Exam
Full-Length AP Calculus AB Test Take our AP calculus AB practice exam. You can take our full-length exam (simulated like the actual exam) or just
Hardest AP Classes
AP classes are an excellent head start for college. We ranked the hardest AP classes using our own system and all available data. We scoured
AP Chemistry Practice Test
If you are a student who wants to challenge yourself by taking advanced placement (AP) courses, you may not know you can get a college
AP Human Geography Practice Test
As high school kids for years have been challenging themselves with the difficulty of advanced placement courses, you may find yourself seeking college credits by
AP Gov Practice Test
Advanced Placement (AP) courses are a great way for students to not only challenge themselves but also prepare for college. If you are someone who
AP Psychology Practice Test
Any student in a school that offers advanced placement courses may seek to challenge themselves by taking an AP course. If you are in an
AP Biology Practice Test
One of the main goals in taking an advanced placement (AP) course in high school is to gain college credits for the course. Perhaps you
AP World History Practice Test
If you are someone who is looking to get general education courses out of the way in college or want to get some prerequisites done