Wonderlic Practice Test

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Wonderlic Test Overview

There are 3 main types of Wonderlic tests given. Each test serves a different purpose.

The 3 types are:

  1. Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test
  2. Wonderlic Personality Test
  3. Wonderlic Motivation Test

Some employers will combine all 3 of these tests together and give them to candidates. This is called the WonScore.

Graphic Explaining the Different Types of Wonderlic Tests

The Wonderlic cognitive ability test is what most people think of when they hear the term Wonderlic. This type of Wonderlic exam is the only one with incorrect and correct answers.

We will review the 3 types of Wonderlic exams below.

Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test

Wonderlic cognitive ability tests are the most common type of Wonderlic given. Many of the Wonderlic practice tests found online are versions of the cognitive ability test.

The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions with 12 minutes to answer all questions. There are 4 different categories that are tested on this exam:

  • English Knowledge: 38%
  • Logic: 20%
  • General Knowledge/Quick Recognition: 18%
  • Math: 24%

Within each of those categories, you will find different question types. We have included those questions in our sample test above.

Employers in a wide range of industries use this test for pre-employment recruiting and selection, assessing applicants’ skills in learning, adapting, problem-solving, and following directions.

Please note that the cognitive ability test was previously known as the Wonderlic personnel test. Also note that if your exam is proctored, you will not be able to use a calculator.

You can read our guide on Wonderlic test scoring for more information on a good score.

Timing is the hardest part of this exam as you will to answer each question in about 14 seconds to keep pace and finish all 50 questions.

Here is some more information on the Wonderlic cognitive test.

Wonderlic Personality Test

The Wonderlic personality test allows an employer to assess how a candidate will behave while on the job. This assessment will reveal information about a candidate’s reliability and if they are a good fit for a specific job.

There are 5 characteristics that are measured on this exam:

  • Cooperation
  • Dependability
  • Stress Tolerance
  • Sociability
  • Open-Mindedness

There are no right or wrong answers on this exam. The exam is designed to allow the employer to get to know you better. You want to answer honestly because honest answers will help you determine if you are actually a good fit for the job.

Here is some more information on the Wonderlic personality test.

Wonderlic Motivation Test

The Wonderlic motivation test will help an employer evaluate a candidate’s interests by seeing what motivates them. This assessment will help an employer figure out which candidates actually want to do the job.

The assessment will measure a candidate’s results based on the following 6 characteristics:

  • Practical
  • Investigative
  • Artistic
  • Supportive
  • Enterprising
  • Traditional

As with the personality assessment, there are no right or wrong answers. Candidates are encouraged to answer honestly and openly.

Here is some more information on the Wonderlic motivational test.

Scoring of the Wonderlic

Scoring on the Wonderlic is very straight forward. Each question is worth 1 point. There are 50 questions, so the best score you can get is 50.

Every employer will have different expectations or requirements, but the average score is a 22. You can read more about Wonderlic scores for additional information.

How to Study for the Wonderlic

The Wonderlic is a high-stakes exam with many employers using it as part of their hiring process. Here are some tips to help you study for the Wonderlic:

  1. Take a Diagnostic Exam: We recommend taking our free Wonderlic exam above and seeing how you do. This will help you get a baseline and a better idea of where you stand.
  2. Determine Problem Areas: After taking a diagnostic exam, determine where you struggled the most. Maybe it was the timing aspect or maybe it was a specific type of question.
  3. Pick Your Study Method: You may want to use practice tests to continue your studies or maybe you want to use a prep course. You need to determine what will work best for you. We offer both of those options with our Wonderlic prep course.
  4. Take a Final Exam: Before you take your actual exam, take one last final exam to make sure you are ready.

About Wonderlic Practice Tests

Many individuals are curious about what they will find in a free Wonderlic test. While every test may vary, you can expect to find the following in a sample Wonderlic test.

  • English Knowledge Questions
  • Logic Questions
  • General Knowledge/Quick Recognition Questions
  • Math Questions

If you are taking a legitimate free Wonderlic test, you should also expect to find 50 questions with 12 minutes to answer those questions.

The best online Wonderlic tests will also include answer explanations at the end for the test taker. These answer explanations are very important as they will help you figure out why an answer was right or wrong.

If you are looking for something that checks all of these boxes, take our practice test above. It is a 50 question exam with a 12 minute timer. The exam is automatically scored and includes detailed answer explanations.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Wonderlic is a test used by numerous employers as an important factor in determining your application for employment. The test measures a candidate’s cognitive ability on a 50 point scale.

The Wonderlic cognitive ability test is what most people think of or refer to when they use the term Wonderlic test.

There are 4 categories of questions on the Wonderlic test:

  • English Knowledge: 38%
  • Logic: 20%
  • General Knowledge/Quick Recognition: 18%
  • Math: 24%

One of the best ways to get ready for a Wonderlic test is by taking a practice test. By taking a Wonderlic practice test, you will be able to see sample questions and become more comfortable with the content.

The Wonderlic test is challenging. The questions themselves are not that hard, but the timing is what makes this test so hard.

Candidates will be given 12 minutes to answer 50 questions. This breaks down to about 14 seconds per question.

You will not be permitted to use a calculator when taking the Wonderlic exam.

Dave Evangelisti
Dave is our founder and CEO. He has 20+ years of experience in the testing and test prep industry.