TEAS English Practice Test

Answer Some Sample Questions with Our Free TEAS English Practice Test
If you want additional questions, take our diagnostic TEAS English exam.
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All TEAS English Practice Tests

Prepare for your upcoming exam by using our TEAS English practice test.

You will find questions that test you on the same topics as the actual exam. Make sure to use the answer explanations at the end of each exam to help you better learn key concepts.

TEAS English Diagnostic Practice Test

Full-Length TEAS Practice Tests 1-5

If you want more practice for other subjects, visit our TEAS practice questions home.

TEAS English and Language Usage Overview

TEAS English and Language usage is 1 of 4 sections given on the exam. You can expect the following:

  1. 37 Questions
  2. 37 Minutes

The 37 questions are split into 3 different question categories. Those question categories are:

  1. Conventions of English: 12 Questions
  2. Knowledge of Language: 11 Questions
  3. Using Language and Vocab in Writing: 10 Questions
  4. Unscored Questions: 4 Questions

You are not deducted any points for wrong answers. You will also not know which questions are unscored, so try your best on all questions. To keep pace on this section, you will want to spend less than 60 seconds per question.

An image showing an overview of the TEAS English exam

If you are comfortable with this section of the exam, visit our ATI TEAS practice test home to find more practice exams for the other sections.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are 37 total questions. However, only 33 questions are scored on this portion of the exam. You will not be aware of which questions are unscored.

You will have 37 minutes to complete the whole section. This breaks down to 60 seconds per questions if you want to keep pace and ensure you do not run out of time.

Every school and program determine their own passing scores.

Most schools look for a minimum score of 70% across all 4 sections of the exam. Take a free TEAS practice test to ensure you pass the first time around.

Jan Olson
Dr. Jan Olson has her Bachelor's degree in nursing, Master's degree in nursing, and Doctorate in nursing.