Best GMAT Prep Courses

We use an independent review process to select our recommended products. Advertisers do not influence our selections, but we may earn a commission when you buy through some links on the site. See our affiliate disclosure for details.

Use our reviews of the best GMAT prep courses to find an option that fits your needs.

Our team went into these GMAT prep courses and provided you with an actual look at what you will find inside each course. We provided screenshots of our findings to help give you a better idea of what to expect.

We took factors like price, content, practice exams, and course guarantees into consideration when providing these reviews.

Summary: Find and compare the best GMAT prep courses below.

Our Picks for Best GMAT Prep Courses

  1. Best Value – Magoosh
  2. Best for In-Depth Learning – Princeton Review
  3. Best for Practice Questions – Kaplan

Best GMAT Prep Course Reviews (2023)

GMAT Prep Magoosh Princeton Review Kaplan PrepScholar Varsity Tutors
Magoosh Logo Princeton Review Logo Kaplan Logo PrepScholar Logo Varsity Tutors Logo




Best For Value In-Depth Learning Practice Questions - -
One of Our Picks TG Recommended TG Recommended TG Recommended - -
Pricing $428 $224
View Discount
$799 $679
View Discount
$999 $259 $599
Subscription Length 1 Year 4 Months 6 Months 4 Months 1 Year
Free Trial
Guarantee +50 Point Improvement Score Higher or Refund Score Higher or Repeat/Money-Back +60 Points -
Practice Questions 1,300+ 3,000+ 5,000+ 1,200+ 5,000+
Practice Exams 8 10 6 4 12
Delivery Options Online (Self-Paced) Online (Self-Paced), Online (Live), In-Person Online (Self-Paced), Online (Live), In-Person Online (Self-Paced) Online (Small-Group)
Study Plan
Essay Feedback
Score Predictor

Best GMAT Course Video Review

Magoosh: Best Value

TG Recommended

Magoosh Logo

Score: 91

Best For

Not Recommended For

Save 10% With Code: TESTGUIDE1

Key Decision Making Factors


Best value. Cheapest course we reviewed and get access for 1 year.


Guaranteed to raise your score by +50 points.


Study schedules, score predictors and 340+ video lessons.


Over 1300 practice questions. 8 practice exams.

Pros and Cons


  • Price - best value on market
  • Unique score predictor
  • Bite-sized videos


  • Video lessons are main form of learning

What to Expect – Hands on Walkthrough

Magoosh offers a couple of different plans for students looking for GMAT prep. There are 3 online courses offered by Magoosh for the official GMAT:

  • Math + IR – self-paced prep course that only offers prep materials for the math and IR portions of the exam.
  • Premium – self-paced prep course that offers prep materials for all portions of the exam.
  • Guided Study Course – Includes 16 hours of tutoring, 1-on-1 video chat sessions, and other features. Also included in this course is everything that is included in the premium self-paced prep course. This course is perfect for students who may want some additional help in the form of tutoring or 1-on-1 video sessions.

Our team took an in-depth look at the “premium” prep course. You can review our findings below:

The course contains review materials on all sections tested on the GMAT. There are more than 340 video lessons, 1300+ practice questions, and at least 8 practice exams (can take more). Students will have access to the course for 1 year and are guaranteed a +50 score improvement.

The first thing students will see when they login to their course is their student dashboard. This is “homebase” for the student. Students will be able to easily navigate everywhere they need to go from the dashboard.

There is a results summary section on the dashboard that quickly breaks down your results as your progress through the course. You will see things like number of questions answered, your average pace, and others’ average pace. You will also see an estimated score if you were to take the GMAT today – this estimated score is always changing as your progress through the course.

The “lessons” tab is where you will be spending a majority of your time. This is where all of the video lessons are housed. The lessons are organized nicely and have a nice flow.

Magoosh does a nice job of keeping the video lessons on the shorter side. These shorter video lessons help keep a student’s attention and retain more information. The lessons consist of the instructor speaking over slides – this can get boring but at least the instructor makes notes and marks in real-time so there is a bit of an interactive element.

The “practice” tab is another useful part of this prep course. Students can create custom practice sessions and work on specific portions of the GMAT. Students can filter questions by section, subject, and difficulty. A time limit can also be added.

The “practice” tab is also where students will find their full-length practice exams. These are a great way to prepare for the actual exam and get a baseline for how your studies are progressing.

The “review” tab is where you can review questions you have already answered. You can filter these questions by various things like result (if you got it correct or incorrect), section, subject, and pace.

In this portion of the course you will see the percent of questions you got correct, your average pace, and others’ average pace. You can even click on a question and get a very detailed answer explanation of why it was correct or incorrect – most answer explanations even include a video explaining the question.

Finally, under the “resources” tab, students will find helpful things like study plans, flashcards, and additional study materials. There are numerous study plans that are broken down by amount of time you wish to study (1-month, 2-month, 3-month, etc…).

Magoosh GMAT Course Review Dashboard

Additional Screenshots

Key Features

  • 1300+ practice questions
  • 8 full-length practice exams
  • 340+ video lessons
  • +50 point score improvement guarantee

Key Differences from Other GMAT Courses

  • Price – best value on the market
  • Score improvement guarantee is better than most other providers
  • Longer subscription length than almost all other providers

Differences from Previous Versions

  • Improved user interface
  • Improved reporting
  • Added practice exams

TG Recommended

Magoosh Logo

Score: 91

Why Choose Magoosh GMAT

Save 10% With Code: TESTGUIDE1

Princeton Review: Best for In-Depth Learning

TG Recommended

Princeton Review Logo

Score: 91

Best For

Not Recommended For

Save 15% With Code: DEVGMAT15

Key Decision Making Factors


Super cheap when looking at everything offered in the course.


Students can repeat the course for free if unhappy with score received.


Quick lesson reviews, adaptive drills and videos, and innovative tools like DrillBuilder.


Over 3000 practice questions and 10 GMAT practice exams.

Pros and Cons


  • Number of practice exams
  • DrillBuilder tool
  • Adaptive videos and drills


  • Only available to students for 4 months

What to Expect – Hands on Walkthrough

Princeton Review has 4 different options for students looking to prepare for the official GMAT. We have listed the options below:

  • Self-Paced Course – self-paced prep course where students can study at their own pace.
  • Fundamentals Course – includes everything in the self-paced course as well as 27 hours of live classroom time.
  • GMAT 700+ Course – includes everything in the self-paced course and fundamentals course as well as 20+ additional hours of classroom time.
  • Private Tutoring – the most personalized approach that Princeton Review offers.

Since the content and features of the self-paced course are included in all of the above courses, we took an in-depth look inside that course. You can review our findings below:

The “coursework” tab is where you will be spending the majority of your time. The lessons are split up into 4 main categories:

  • Strategies
  • Integrated Reasoning
  • Quantitative
  • Verbal

Each of these categories is further split into specific topics. This organizational structure makes it possible to learn in an efficient manner. Each topic consists of lessons that are followed by a drill.

The videos in this course are adaptive. This means that you will watch a video and answer some questions – if you get it right, you will move on. If you get it wrong, you will be guided to more content on that specific topic. This is one of our teams favorite features as it really helps you study more efficiently.

The drills are adaptive and give you questions based on how you did in your lesson. You can choose to complete the drill in practice or learn mode – practice mode waits until the end to show you your results while learn shows you your results after each question. Every question contains an answer explanation to help you better understand the concept.

The “practice tests” tab is where you will find all of your full-length practice exams. There are 10 included in the course. The exams are timed and do a great job of simulating the actual exam. After you submit your exam, you will receive a detailed score report.

The score report will give you a score for each section of the GMAT and provide an in-depth breakdown of each section. You will be able to see how you answered specific questions, the amount of time you spent on each question, and answer explanations for every question.

If you want additional practice, you can go to the “DrillBuilder” tab. You will see different options for putting together practice sessions. You can choose between letting the algorithim customize your prep or customizing the prep yourself. If you choose to customize the session yourself, you can choose between the subject, the topic, difficulty, duration, and more.

Finally, you can visit the “schedule” tab to see different office hours sessions. These sessions are included in the course free of charge and allow you to listen to an expert review important concepts. If you cannot make the live session, you can watch the recording of the session.

Princeton Review GMAT Lesson Example

Additional Screenshots

Key Features

  • 3000+ practice questions
  • 10 full-length practice exams
  • Adaptive videos (3-5 minutes long)
  • DrillBuilder tool

Key Differences from Other GMAT Courses

  • Adaptive drills and videos
  • Use of technology to help study more efficiently
  • Number of practice questions and full-length exams

Differences from Previous Versions

  • Better technology to help students study more efficiently

TG Recommended

Princeton Review Logo

Score: 91

Why Choose Princeton Review GMAT

Save 15% With Code: DEVGMAT15

Kaplan: Best for Practice Questions

TG Recommended

Kaplan Logo

Score: 81

Best For

Not Recommended For

Key Decision Making Factors


On the higher end in terms of pricing when compared to others


Score higher or repeat course for free/get money back.


35 interactice lessons, eBooks, guides, and more


5000+ practice questions and 6 GMAT practice exams.

Pros and Cons


  • Number of practice questions
  • Great app
  • Different course offerings provided


  • Expensive
  • Long videos

What to Expect – Hands on Walkthrough

Since the late 1930s, Kaplan is a long established GMAT prep provider. Kaplan has recently improved their GMAT course by acquiring Manhattan Prep. Kaplan has a couple of different options available to students but their most popular option is the on-demand self-paced course. You will find the following in that course:

  • 6 complete computer adaptive tests for practice.
  • A GMAT adaptive Qbank, plus 500+ practice questions.
  • 35+ interactive video lessons
  • 7-hour GMAT math workshop
  • 6 months of online access.
  • GMAT Quant eBook
  • Access to mobile app
  • Test simulation booklet

The first thing you will notice when you go into the course is that it will feel like a Manhattan Prep course. The Manhattan Prep branding is everywhere – rest assured, you purchased the right course. Kaplan and Manhattan Prep are one company now.

When our team first went into the course, the user interface was a bit confusing. It took us 10-15 minutes to figure out where we should be and where certain things were. After the brief learning period, we were able to figure out how the course flowed.

The course is broken into different “sessions.” You will find that these sessions are broken into different categories. You will find that most of the sessions are broken into the parts you will see on the GMAT:

  • General
  • Verbal
  • Quant

You will different things in each of these categories like lectures, practice questions, and assigned readings. Our team liked the diagnostic math exam we took at the beginning of session 1.

You will find that this course uses longer videos when compares to other GMAT prep providers. This is neither good nor bad, it just depends on how you like to learn.

The videos are somewhat underwhelming but get the job done. You will sit there and watch a teacher talk and annotate over some notes – they could do a better job of making the lectures more engaging.

Kaplan is the winner in terms of practice questions. The course includes more than 5000 questions with the questions also being adaptive. The course also includes 6 full-length practice exams.

Another cool feature our team enjoyed was the “Navigator.” This tool allows you to search for questions that appear in the “GMAT Official Guide.” If you are using or plan on using that resource, this tool is really great and will help you save time as well as provide you with additional resources to what that book provides.

When Kaplan acquired Manhattan Prep, this course instantly got better. One big reason is the mobile app. Manhattan Prep has a great mobile app that is now implemented in this course. Students can now easily study on the fly if they need to – this is different from some of the other providers.

Kaplan, like many GMAT test prep companies, offers a Higher Score Money-back guarantee. If a test-taker completes the Kaplan GMAT prep program and takes the official test with a score that does not improve over the student’s recorded baseline score, the test-taker will have two options from which to select.

  • A free reactivation (within 60 days of the previous program’s expiration date) for an additional twelve weeks -this does not include live classes, tutoring or coaching).
  • Money-Back option.

If a test-taker completes the Kaplan GMAT prep program and takes the official test with a score that improves over the baseline score, but they are unhappy with the score, they can ask for a free reactivation, as noted above.

Kaplan GMAT Review Screenshot 1

Additional Screenshots

Key Features

  • 5000+ adaptive practice questions
  • 6 full-length practice exams
  • 35+ interactive lessons
  • Navigator tool

Key Differences from Other GMAT Courses

  • Number of practice questions
  • Mobile app

Differences from Previous Versions

  • Acquisition of Manhattan Prep really changed the whole dynamic of this course

TG Recommended

Kaplan Logo

Score: 81

Why Choose Kaplan GMAT

PrepScholar GMAT Review


PrepScholar Logo

Score: 76

Best For

Not Recommended For

Key Decision Making Factors


Second cheapest course we reviewed. Students get access for 4 months.


+60-point improvement. Pretty solid guarantee.


100+ hours of content and use of diagnostic tools.


1200 practice questions and 4 practice exams.

Pros and Cons


  • +60-point score improvement
  • Price point


  • Only have 4 months of access
  • Lower number of practice questions offered compared to others

What to Expect – Hands on Walkthrough

PrepScholar is a GMAT preparation course provider staffed by a group of dedicated GMAT experts. PrepScholar offers its GMAT preparation course options with its double guarantee – a five-day risk-free trial and a complete refund if you do not improve your GMAT score by a minimum of 60 points.

PrepScholar encourages you to test-drive the product using its diagnostic assessment tool – while enjoying the five-day risk-free policy. The diagnostic tool reveals your areas in need of study and creates a personalized study plan.

PrepScholar offers these GMAT courses.

Self-Guided Online GMAT Prep – best for students beginning GMAT prep and want a diagnostic tool and guidance.

  • Access Period – 3 months.
  • Diagnostic Assessment.
  • Practice Questions – 800+
  • Answers explained in detail, on videos.
  • GMAT Skill Lessons – 30+
  • GMAT Strategy Lessons – 5
  • Email support.
  • Price – $139

Completely Customized Online GMAT Prep – best for students wanting a fully customizable experience.

  • Access Period –4 months.
  • Diagnostic Assessment.
  • 100+ Hours of Content.
  • Practice Questions – 1,200+
  • Answers explained in detail, on videos
  • GMAT Skill Lessons – 30+
  • GMAT Strategy Lessons – 10
  • Email support.
  • Price – $259

Key Features

  • 1200+ practice questions
  • 4 full-length exams
  • 100+ hours of content

Key Differences from Other GMAT Courses

  • Price
  • Good score guarantee

Differences from Previous Versions

  • Unknown


PrepScholar Logo

Score: 76

Why Choose PrepScholar GMAT

Varsity Tutors GMAT

Varsity Tutors

Varsity Tutors Logo

Score: 68

Best For

Not Recommended For

Key Decision Making Factors


Good price for small group learning


No guarantee for students when taking this course.


20 hours of online small group learning paired with additional resources


5000+ practice questions and 12 practice exams offered to students.

Pros and Cons


  • Large number of practice questions
  • Small group sessions


  • No self-paced option
  • No study plan or essay feedback

What to Expect – Hands on Walkthrough

Varsity Tutors offers small group classes for $599. These small group classes consist of 6-9 students and an instructor. Varsity Tutors notes on its website that the average increase in the GMAT score of students who have taken its prep course is 140 points.

The small group classes last for 5 weeks and have various start dates – there should be an option that works for everyone. The class consists of 20 hours of live instruction that takes place in a small group setting. Students will get personalized help and attention from their instructor as well as the added benefit of learning with other like-minded individuals.

In addition to these 20 hours of online instruction, students will also have self-study resources they can utilize to supplement their live learning. Some of those resources include practice tests, practice questions, strategy guides, and flashcards.

Varsity Tutors also offers free first lessons for students as a test-drive – with no strings attached. These freebie classes are available at a variety of times during the week and on the weekends as well.

Key Features

  • 5000+ practice questions
  • 12 full-length practice exams
  • Small group learning

Key Differences from Other GMAT Courses

  • Small group learning sessions

Differences from Previous Versions

  • The small group sessions are new. Varsity Tutors used to offer the course in a self-paced environment.

Varsity Tutors

Varsity Tutors Logo

Score: 68

Why Choose Varsity Tutors GMAT

Criteria Used to Rate GMAT Courses

We used the following 4 criteria when ranking the above courses:

1. Price

Many individuals take price into consideration when purchasing GMAT prep. As most students will not have an unlimited budget, we decided to factor price into our rankings.

With that being said, price should not be the only factor to consider. Many courses are around the same price point, so it is important to consider other things as well.

2. Content

This is how many courses differentiate themselves from each other. Content is how you will end up learning almost all the material you need.

It is important to review and compare the content between GMAT courses when making a purchase. You can match a course with your specific type of learning style, because not everyone learns the same way.

3. Questions

Questions are a fantastic way to prepare for your GMAT. We used questions as a ranking factor in our reviews.

Some things that fall under this umbrella could include practice exams, question banks, stand-alone questions, stand-alone quizzes, answer explanations, and more.

Many providers put their own spin on questions, so it is important to review and compare them.

4. Guarantee

Purchasing a GMAT prep course is not cheap. Many providers offer some form of course guarantee, so we could not overlook this when ranking the best GMAT prep courses.

The guarantees do vary from provider to provider. Some courses will include a money-back guarantee, while others will include a score increase guarantee.

Overview of Our Review Process

We follow a standard review process when reviewing all prep courses. Included in our process is:

  1. Researching Providers – we make a list of all providers offering a product that fits the needs of the review we are making.
  2. Narrowing Down of Providers – we conduct some in-depth research on these providers and narrow down our list to the ones we really want to dive into.
  3. Taking the Course – we go into these courses and complete portions of the course, just like an actual user.
  4. Giving Out a Score Based on Findings – we give out a proprietary score based on the different criteria we looked at.
  5. Crafting the Review – we begin the editorial process in this step. We present the information we found, our take, pros, cons, and more.
  6. Updating the Reviews – we are constantly updating our reviews in an attempt to reflect the ever-changing GMAT prep industry.

You can read more about our review process.

Do You Need a GMAT Prep Course?

GMAT prep may not be for everyone. A GMAT prep course can be very expensive with some options costing more than $1,000.

Some students may prefer to learn in an in-person setting, if this is the case, you may not excel with an online GMAT prep course.

Some students may just not have the time and resources to commit to a GMAT prep course, which is 100% fine.

Here are some alternatives to consider:

  1. Free Practice Tests – Use our GMAT practice test to start your studies.
  2. Self-Study – Check out this guide on how to study for the GMAT.

FAQs About GMAT Prep

We looked at numerous different courses. After comparing the courses and going into the actual courses, our favorites were:

  1. Best Value -Magoosh
  2. Best for In-Depth Learning – Princeton Review
  3. Best for Practice Questions – Kaplan

GMAT prep courses are a great way to learn new material and refresh yourself on old material.

Purchasing a prep course should be looked at as an investment in your future. You will reap the benefits of using a prep course and scoring well on the GMAT.

GMAT prep courses have a wide range when it comes to price. The low end of courses is right around $230 while the high end can be $1,000+.

Magoosh was our choice for best value coming in at $224.

All of the options we reviewed above include everything you should need.

The courses typically come with lecture materials, video content, practice questions, practice exams, and more.

Dave Evangelisti
Dave is our founder and CEO. He has 20+ years of experience in the testing and test prep industry.