Best GRE Prep Courses

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If you want a top score on the GRE, use one of the following best GRE prep courses.

Earning a top score on the GRE will open options for you when applying to graduate programs. The following courses will help you study in the most efficient way possible.

Our team went into these GRE prep courses ourselves and provided you with our honest reviews below. You can use the screenshots we have provided to get a better feel for what the course is like.

Summary: Find and compare the different GRE prep options below.

Best GRE Prep Course Reviews (2023)

GRE Prep Magoosh Princeton Review Achievable Kaplan Manhattan
Magoosh Logo Princeton Review Logo Achievable Logo Kaplan Logo Manhattan Prep Logo




Best For Best Value Most Comprehensive Best for Practice Questions/Exams - -
One of Our Picks TG Recommended TG Recommended TG Recommended - -
Pricing $894 $161

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$499 $399

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$199 $189

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$449 $499
Subscription Length 6 Months 4 Months 12 Months 6 Months 6 Months
Free Trial
Guarantee +5 Point Improvement Depends on Course Purchased Retake Course or Refund Score Higher or Repeat/Money-Back None
Practice Questions 1,600+ 2,570+ 9,999+ 5,000+ 1,000's
Practice Exams 3 8 10 7 6
Delivery Options Online (Self-Paced) Online (Self-Paced), Online (Live), In-Person Online (Self-Paced) Online (Self-Paced), Online (Live), In-Person Online (Self-Paced), Online (Live), In-Person
Study Plan
Essay Feedback
Score Predictor
Support Options Email, Chat, Forum Email, Phone Email Email Email, Forum
Summary Review Review Review Review Review
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Our Picks for Best GRE Prep Courses

  1. Best Value – Magoosh
  2. Most Comprehensive – Princeton Review
  3. Best for Practice Questions/Exams – Achievable

Best GRE Course Video Review

Magoosh: Best Value

TG Recommended

Magoosh Logo

Score: 93

Best For

Not Recommended For

Save 10% With Code: TESTGUIDE1

Key Decision Making Factors


Best value. Substantially cheaper than the other providers.


Guaranteed to raise your score by 5 points.


240+ videos. Real-time identification of weak areas.


Over 1600 practice exams. 3 practice exams.

Pros and Cons


  • Price - best value on market
  • Unique score predictor
  • +5 point score guarantee


  • Relatively low number of questions

What to Expect – Hands on Walkthrough

Magoosh GRE is the most affordable GRE prep program that is accessible 100% online. Magoosh GRE is a valuable resource as it provides about 240+ tutorial videos, more than 1600 practice questions (with support videos to explain each answer), flashcards, study plans, and full-length practice GRE exams.

Magoosh offers 3 main prep programs when it comes to their GRE offerings. They are:

  • 1-Month Premium – Self-paced course that includes everything listed above with access for 1 month.
  • 6-Month Premium – Self-paced course that includes everything listed above with access for 6 months.
  • Premium + Classes – Includes everything in the self-paced courses as well as drop-in classes with a live GRE expert and 30+ hours of on-demand recordings.

Since all of these programs include the self-paced course, we will be going through the features of that course below.

The first thing you will see is the dashboard. The dashboard is where you can easily naviagte through the course. You will see your study plan listed on the left-hand side of your dashboard. You will be able to choose between various plans based on how often or how much you want to study. The study plan lists out tasks that need to be completed that day and gives you an estimated time for how long that will take.

Another cool feature of the dashboard is the results summary section. This section outlines how you are doing within the course. You will see things like number of questions answered, your average pace, and others’ average pace. You will also see an estimated score for each section on the GRE. This will update as you answer more questions within the course.

The “lessons” tab is where students will spend the bulk of their time. This is where all of the video lessons are located. The lessons are organized into 4 main categories:

  • Intro
  • Math
  • Verbal
  • Writing

Each of those main categories is further grouped into subcategories. This organization makes it easy to follow along and focus on subjects you want to work on.

Most of the videos are in the 8-12 minute range, but there are a couple of longer video lessons. The video lessons consist of the instructor talking over their slides. This can get somewhat boring, but the instructor does make live notes and updates to the slides, so there is a small interactive element to the lessons.

The “practice” tab is a very useful part of the course. Students can create custom practice sessions based on numerous filters. Some of those filters include sections of the GRE, question type, subject, difficulty, and mode. Students can choose between practice mode or quiz mode – practice mode shows answer explanations after each question while quiz mode waits until the end to do so.

This is also where you will find the full-length practice exams. These exams are a great way to prepare for the actual exam and get a better gauge of where you stand.

Answer explanations are a nice feature of this course. Most of the answer explanations include videos explaining the question. This is helpful, especially if you get stuck on a harder question and do not understand the written response.

In addition to the “practice” tab, there is also a “review” tab. This portion of the course allows you to review all previous questions you have already answered. You will be able to apply filters like difficulty, result, section, and subject. You will be able to see what percent you answered correctly, your average pace, and others’ average pace.

Under the “resources” tab you will find other helpful materials like flashcards, study plans, and other resources.

This course is a very complete course and great for students who are looking to study on a budget.

Magoosh GRE Review Screenshot 1

Additional Screenshots

Key Features

  • 1600 practice questions
  • 3 full-length exams
  • 240+ videos
  • +5 score increase guarantee

Key Differences from Other GRE Courses

  • Bite-sized videos
  • Score prediction software
  • Real-time identification of weak areas

Differences from Previous Versions

  • Advancement of features (score prediction and analytics)
  • Addition of other learning options (live options)

TG Recommended

Magoosh Logo

Score: 93

Why Choose Magoosh GRE

Save 10% With Code: TESTGUIDE1

Princeton Review: Most Comprehensive

TG Recommended

Princeton Review Logo

Score: 91

Best For

Not Recommended For

Save 15% With Code: DEVGRE15

Key Decision Making Factors


Fairly priced based on content students receive.


Depends on course purchased. All courses have some sort of guarantee.


Lessons are organized well with drills and questions mixed in.


More than 2500 practice questions. 8 practice exams.

Pros and Cons


  • Number of practice exams
  • Guarantees on all courses
  • In-depth content and lessons


  • Only available to students for 4 months

What to Expect – Hands on Walkthrough

The Princeton Review’s GRE prep course provides test takers with more than 175 hours of GRE prep resources online, which includes lessons, feedback, and test-taking strategies. Overall, the GRE prep course by the Princeton Review offers a plethora of quality GRE prep content and innovative tools like DrillSmart – a practice technique that selects practice questions based upon the progress of the student.

Princeton Review offers 5 different options for students looking for GRE prep. Having 5 different options is nice, but can become overwhelming. We have listed the 5 options below:

  • Self-Paced Course – self-paced prep course where students can study at their own pace.
  • GRE 10+ Points – a mostly self-paced course that includes some live instruction and a 10 point score improvement guarantee.
  • GRE Fundamentals – a step up from the above courses. Includes additional live instruction hours with an expert.
  • GRE 162+ – the most comprehensive (non-tutoring) course they offer. Includes the most live instruction and practice questions. Score of 162+ guaranteed.
  • GRE 165+ Tutoring – the most personalized approach. Access to a private instructor and guaranteed score of 165+.

Our team took a look at the self-paced course as most of the content and features of that course are included in the other courses. You can read more about our thoughts below:

One of the first places you will go when you start the course is the “coursework” tab. This is where all of your learning resources are housed. There are 60+ video lessons included as well as text-based lessons. The course is split into 4 main categories:

  • Strategies
  • Math
  • Verbal
  • Essay

Each of these categories is further split into more specific topics. The course is designed in a way that makes it easy to learn and build on knowledge learned in previous lessons.

The lessons contain video lectures from expert instructors. The instructors will go over key knowledge and strategies to help you get a top score. The instructor will be making notes on a whiteboard while giving the lecture which makes it easy to follow along and grasp difficult concepts.

There are practice questions sprinkled into the lectures to ensure you understand the material. At the end of each topic you will find some practice drills that should be completed. You can choose to let their software choose the drills for you based on what you already know or you can choose the specific drills yourself.

The “practice tests” tab is where you will find the 8 full-length practice exams included in the course. You can choose what kind of time limit you want to set when taking the practice exams. The exams do a great job of simulating the actual exam and will help you prepare for the real thing.

After you finish a practice exam, you will receive a detailed score report. This score report will show you your scores for each section of the GRE. It will even breakdown each section based on how you answered specific questions and pace in which you answered questions. All questions include answer explanations so you can see why something was correct or incorrect.

Finally, the “schedule” tab is where you will see various live online offerings. This will look different for everyone based on what specific prep course you signed up for. However, students who sign up for the standard self-paced course will have access to a couple of office hour sessions each week. These sessions are led by an expert and they will review important concepts – if you miss the live session, you can watch the recording.

Princeton Review GRE Review Screenshot 2

Additional Screenshots

Key Features

  • 2500+ practice questions
  • 8 full-length exams
  • 175 hours of online resources
  • 61 adaptive drills

Key Differences from Other GRE Courses

  • Everything included in the course (lessons, questions, exams, etc…)
  • DrillSmart tool

Differences from Previous Versions

  • Improved interactive score reports

TG Recommended

Princeton Review Logo

Score: 91

Why Choose Princeton Review GRE

Save 15% With Code: DEVGRE15

Achievable: Best for Practice Questions

TG Recommended

Achievable Logo

Score: 87

Best For

Not Recommended For

Save $10 With Code: TestGuide

Key Decision Making Factors


Great value. On the cheaper end of courses we looked at.


Can retake the course or get a refund if score does not improve.


The lectures are in an online textbook format. Can get dry sometimes, but very informative.


Unlimited quantitative reasoning exams, 10 verbal reasoning exams, and 10 writing exams.

Pros and Cons


  • Price
  • Adaptive learning
  • Number of practice questions


  • No videos
  • Confusing interface at first

What to Expect – Hands on Walkthrough

Achievable offers a very affordable GRE prep course. The course is offered for $199 and students will get access for 12 months. The course includes 9,999+ practice questions and practice exams for each subject and lecture materials for everything tested on the GRE.

In total, there are 89 chapters of GRE review included in this course. Each chapter has various sub-topics that are reviewed. These sub-topics help breakdown the content into easier to digest sections.

The chapters are in a textbook format. There are helpful charts, tables, and images to explain more concept topics, which we really liked. However, there are no video lectures included. This can be looked at as a pro or con, depending on what type of learner you are.

Achievable prides themselves on their adaptive learning method. As you progress through the course, their system learns about you and personalizes the study program based on your strengths and weaknesses.

This adaptive learning technology can be seen on the users dashboard. There is a content progress section that tracks your progress as your read each chapter and mark it as complete. When you mark a chapter as complete, the system automatically chooses specific review questions for you to review.

Users can review these specific questions in the memory progress section of their course. This section of the course is meant to help you actually learn material and continuously have the ability to review it until your test date.

One of the coolest features is the upcoming workload feature. Their system will determine the best time for you to review a certain subject based on how much (or how little) you already know. Users can choose to follow this schedule or to follow their own schedule.

Overall, Achievable has a nice GRE prep course. The user interface can be a little confusing at the beginning, but they have a section explaining how the course works, so you should be able to figure it out. We are not huge fans of the textbook-based learning approach, but they do a great job of explaining complex subjects.

Achievable GRE Review Screenshot 2

Additional Screenshots

Key Features

  • 9999+ practice questions
  • 10 full-length exams
  • 89 chapters of GRE review
  • Adaptive learning

Key Differences from Other GRE Courses

  • Advanced software to help you study more efficiently (adaptive learning)
  • No videos. Learn from reading.

Differences from Previous Versions

  • Advancement of software that is baked into the course.

TG Recommended

Achievable Logo

Score: 87

Why Choose Achievable GRE

Save $10 With Code: TestGuide

Kaplan Review


Kaplan Logo

Score: 82

Best For

Not Recommended For

Key Decision Making Factors


On the more expensive side of GRE courses we looked at.


If students do not score higher than their previous score, they can repeat the course or get their money back.


180 hours of instruction. Uses prep books and online learning format.


Over 5000 practice questions provided along with 7 GRE practice exams.

Pros and Cons


  • More than 5000+ practice questions offered
  • Also offer 7 practice exams


  • Expensive
  • No free trial

What to Expect – Hands on Walkthrough

The Kaplan GRE prep course is the digital extension of the pioneering educational company – Kaplan – an educational company that has been in existence for more than 80 years ago.

The Kaplan GRE prep course includes more than 180 hours of prep guidance and practice activities, a test question bank that exceeds 5,000 practice questions (and consists of a customizable option), two GRE prep books, and seven computerized GRE practice tests to create the most efficient and effective plan of study for each student.

Kaplan GRE offers its exclusive GRE Channel complete with video lessons for targeted topics. And, unlike other GRE test prep courses, Kaplan GRE provides each student an opportunity to sit, in an approved testing center, for a full-length GRE practice exam, essentially recreating the actual test experience in hopes of alleviating fears of the unknown testing environment.

Kaplan GRE offers three GRE prep course delivery methods. The self-paced version is the most affordable (at $449 for six months access), which provides students with the entire course content and teacher support throughout.

Kaplan’s Live Online is an interactive distance learning platform that allows teachers and cohort members to participate in group discussions and for students to attend 20+ hours of live online learning.

Kaplan GRE also administers in-person GRE prep courses (starting at $1,299) in about 45 states. The in-person class must be canceled within three days for a refund. The Kaplan GRE prep course offers a guarantee that the test taker will improve their score or a) be allowed to re-take the course, or b) ask for a full refund if one’s rating does not improve.

Key Features

  • 5000+ practice questions
  • 7 full-length exams
  • 180+ hours of instruction
  • Access to GRE Channel (live, teacher-led lessons)

Key Differences from Other GRE Courses

  • Combination of learning materials (books, video lessons, GRE Channel)
  • GRE Channel

Differences from Previous Versions

  • Access to the GRE Channel on the self-paced course


Kaplan Logo

Score: 82

Why Choose Kaplan GRE

Manhattan Prep Review

Manhattan Prep

Manhattan Prep Logo

Score: 70

Best For

Not Recommended For

Key Decision Making Factors


On the higher end of GRE prep courses in terms of price.


No guarantee offered for students. Not the end of the world, but would be nice to have.


Content is pretty standard. We like the steps they take to teach it.


Provides 6 practice exams. Decent amount of practice questions offered, but not as many as other prep providers.

Pros and Cons


  • 6 practice exams offered
  • Specific steps taken to teach material
  • Video answer explanations


  • Expensive
  • Not a ton of features for the price point
  • No guarantee provided with the course

What to Expect – Hands on Walkthrough

Manhattan Prep is owned by Kaplan, who purchased the GRE prep company about a decade ago. However, the change in ownership maintained its intuitive, easy-to-navigate GRE prep platform that provides a workable (if not bland) interface that connects students to informative and entertaining lessons, pause-able videos that allow students to work through problems at their speed and detailed videos regarding the question topic and strategies to prepare for the actual GRE exam.

Manhattan Prep’s course is a self-paced adaptive learning experience that is accessible 24 hours per day, seven days a week. The GRE prep content is taught by instructors who have scored in the top 1% of all GRE scores.

Coursework for Manhattan Prep’s GRE course includes GRE Official Study Guide, thousands of practice GRE questions, more than 75 video lessons, plus six complete GRE practice exams.

One of our favorite things about Manhattan Prep is the way in which they teach students. Manhattan Prep follows 3 steps:

  1. Learn It – Watch a video and learn the material.
  2. Drill It – Test your knowledge with questions that focus on the topics you just learned.
  3. Prove It – Take a quiz with GRE-like questions. These questions include video answer explanations to help you better understand why an answer was right or wrong.

The steps used to teach the material make a ton of sense and really help ensure that students are actually learning the material.

Manhattan Prep offers a 7-day free trial to give students an experiential opportunity using the Manhattan Prep interactive platform. There are three access periods from which to choose – One-month access at $299 (or $25/month), Three-month access for $399 (or $34/month), and the Six-month access program for $499 (or $42/month).

Manhattan Prep is one of the few GRE prep companies that do not include a higher score guarantee.

Key Features

  • 1000+ questions
  • 6 full-length exams
  • 75+ video lessons
  • Video answer explanations

Key Differences from Other GRE Courses

  • Great method for teaching the material (learn it, drill it, prove it)

Differences from Previous Versions

  • Addition of detailed video answer explanations

Manhattan Prep

Manhattan Prep Logo

Score: 70

Why Choose Manhattan Prep GRE

How to Choose a GRE Course

When it comes to getting into the graduate program of your choice, choosing the right GRE prep course can make a huge difference. There are a ton of diffent GRE study options out there. Our team’s goal is to help you understand what your options are and choose the best GRE prep course for your specific needs.

What to Consider When Purchasing a GRE Prep Course

When purchasing GRE prep, it is important to consider many different things. However, the most important thing to consider is your specific needs. Everyone learns differently, so what may be really important for one person may not be the most important thing for another person.


Price is the first thing many students consider when purchasing GRE prep. While this is an important factor, it should not be the only factor. Students should look at GRE prep as an investment in their future. Choosing a course that works for you will be more important than the price in the long-run.


Content is another thing many students think about when preparing to make a purchase. Most GRE prep courses will include plenty of content. The key is finding the provider/product that offers content that fits your needs and learning style. If you enjoy reading books, pick an option that includes physical textbooks.

Other Factors to Consider

Some other factors to consider include:

  • Study discipline – if you are someone who finds it hard to self-study, a GRE prep course may be a good option for you as it will help keep you on track.
  • Need for encouragement – if you are someone who loses interest or motivation when studying, a GRE course with a classroom setting or live online setting may be a good option for you as it will help keep you motivated.
  • Learning style – if you are someone who learns best from interactive videos, choose a course that has a lot of video content. If you are someone who enjoys learning from reading, choose a course that uses reading to teach concepts.

Alternatives: Do I Need a GRE Prep Course?

GRE prep can be expensive and may not be for everyone. Some GRE prep courses cost more than $500. Some students may prefer to learn in an in-person setting or self-study – both of which are fine!

Here are some alternatives to consider when looking for GRE prep:

Methodology: How We Tested GRE Prep Courses

We looked at 10+ different GRE prep options before narrowing it down to 5 of the best GRE prep courses. Our team then went into these courses and worked their way through the courses as if they were a student. We looked for things that students would actually find useful.

After spending ample time actually inside these courses, we gave the courses different ratings for 5 different criteria. Each of those criteria are assigned a weight which helps us arrive at a final weighted score.

For more details, read about our independent review process.

FAQs About GRE Prep

GRE prep courses are a great way to learn new material and refresh yourself on old material. Some factors to consider might be your budget, learning style, and self-discipline.

GRE prep courses will help identify strengths and weaknesses, simulate the actual test, and provide a study plan.

After reviewing numerous courses, we found that Magoosh and Princeton Review were the best GRE prep courses.

Magoosh was our choice for best value while Princeton Review was our choice for the most comprehensive course.

GRE prep courses can range anywhere from $161 to $449.

Magoosh was our choice for best value and is available for $161 if you use our exclusive discount code of TESTGUIDE1.

Princeton Review is one of our top picks for best GRE test prep. Princeton Review was ranked as our most comprehensive GRE prep course.

Students can purchase the prep course for $399 and have access to the course for 4 months.

Dave Evangelisti
Dave is our founder and CEO. He has 20+ years of experience in the testing and test prep industry.