Practice Bar Exam

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Preparing for the Bar exam? Our free practice Bar exams and study resources will help you pass your Bar exam and become a lawyer.

The Bar exam is a necessity for law school graduates to take and pass in order to be licensed to practice law. Candidates who wish to take the Bar exam should apply through their state board of Bar examiners.

Every jurisdiction sets their own standards for the Bar exam. In general, the Bar exam usually consists of 2 days of testing. Day 1 of testing usually includes the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) while day 2 of testing usually includes the Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) and the Multistate Performance Test (MPT).

Numerous jurisdictions have adopted the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) as their testing method. We go further in depth on the different Bar exams below.

Summary: Try a free practice Bar exam below.  See how much you already know. 

Free Practice Bar Exams & Exam Questions

We have compiled a list of free practice Bar exams with questions and answer explanations. Check out these free Bar practice exams below. Some of the resources are PDF/downloadable.

NCBEX MBE Sample Test QuestionsSample test questions for the MBE portion of the Bar exam.21No
NCBEX MPT Sample Test QuestionsSample test questions for the MPT portion of the Bar exam.2Yes
Quimbee MBE Practice QuestionsSingle subject and mixed subject MBE practice questions.100Yes
Bar Prep Hero MBE Practice TestSingle subject and mixed subject MBE practice questions.50Yes
Kaplan MPRE Practice QuestionsMPRE review from Kaplan test prep.100’sYes

Other Free Bar Exam Resources

Bar Exam FlashcardsOver 500 key terms to know for the Bar exam.
MBE Study OutlineFree download of MBE outlines. Useful when studying.
UBE Study DiagramsNumerous diagrams about various topics on the UBE. Great for visual learners.

Bar Exam Outline

The Bar exam is unique in that each state or jurisdiction has their own version of the exam. Candidates who wish to take the Bar exam will apply through their state Board of Bar Examiners. The process to register to take the Bar exam generally involves the following steps:

  1. Candidates will apply to take the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE).
  2. Candidates will apply to take the Bar exam through their state Board of Bar Examiners.
  3. Completing any additional admission requirements – could be a character evaluation.

Bar Exam

MPRE Bar Exam

MPRE stands for Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam. This exam is required for all candidates who wish to take the Bar exam except for candidates in Wisconsin and Puerto Rico. The MPRE exam is two hours long and consists of 60 multiple-choice questions.

The main purpose of this exam is to measure a candidate’s understanding of standards that have been established for the professional conduct of lawyers. The MPRE exam is given 3 times per year. Each state establishes their own passing scores for this exam.

MBE Bar Exam

MBE stands for Multistate Bar Examination. This portion of the bar exam is 6 hours long and consists of 200 multiple-choice questions. The MBE covers the following topics:

  • Civil procedure
  • Contacts
  • Torts
  • Constitutional law and procedure
  • Evidence
  • Real Property

MPT Bar Exam

MPT stands for Multistate Performance Test. This portion of the Bar exam consists of two 90-minute skills questions. The following skills may be tested on the MPT portion of the Bar exam:

  • Factual analysis
  • Legal analysis
  • Problem solving
  • Ethical dilemmas
  • Written communication
  • Management of legal tasks

MEE Bar Exam

MEE stands for Multistate Essay Examination. This portion of the Bar exam consists of 6 essay questions. Candidates will be given 3 hours to complete the MEE portion of the Bar exam. The following areas may be tested on the MEE bar exam:

  • Business associations
  • Civil procedure
  • Conflict of laws
  • Constitutional laws
  • Contracts
  • Criminal law
  • Evidence
  • Family law
  • Secured Transactions

UBE Bar Exam

UBE stands for Uniform Bar Exam. This is the Bar exam that many states have started to adopt in an effort to have 1 uniform exam. The UBE consists of the MBE, MPT, and MEE exams. The test is a 2-day exam and is used by 34 states.

Different states have different versions of the Bar exam. While a lot of states have adopted the UBE as their standard Bar exam, some states may off different combinations of the MBE, MPT and MEE exams. Check out the image below for more information on specific states and which version of the Bar exam they administer.

Bar Exam FAQs

One of the best ways to prepare for the Bar exam is by enrolling in a Bar prep course. A Bar prep course will help students stay focused and motivated while also learning new material.

Students will be able to study exam-like practice questions and get familiar with the Bar format when taking a Bar prep course.

Since it is a standardized test, the UBE allows you to transfer between jurisdictions (that have adopted the UBE) without having to retake the Bar exam in each new jurisdiction.

175 out of the 200 multiple-choice questions are scored, the remaining 25 will not affect your score and they are on there for the NCBE’s use. You won’t know which ones are unscored so do your best on every question!

The jurisdictions will get your score before you do, so yes. The NCBE reports your score to the jurisdiction, who will then report the score to you.

Gianni Evangelisti
Gianni has been working in the test prep industry for 6+ years. Gianni has created test prep materials across multiple different exam categories.