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Question 1 of 27
1. Question
Handedness, the predilection for employing either the right or left hand, is a trait that prominently _________ in humans. While this characteristic also exists albeit to a lesser extent in various other creatures, animal behaviorists frequently deploy specialized tasks to unveil the distinct inclinations of individual animals towards a particular hand or paw.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
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Question 2 of 27
2. Question
Unraveling the intricate layers of symbolism in Emily Dickinson’s poetry is not without its challenges; her verses often demand thoughtful contemplation. Dickinson, a recluse with a unique perspective, skillfully weaves her observations into her poems. Nevertheless, some literary analysts __________ that her close friendship with Susan Gilbert Dickinson may have exerted a more profound influence on shaping the emotional depth of her verses.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
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Question 3 of 27
3. Question
The following excerpt is taken from Mark Twain’s humorous essay ‘Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offenses.’ Twain takes a satirical approach in critiquing the works of James Fenimore Cooper, a renowned novelist.
In this spirited essay, Twain scrutinizes Cooper’s storytelling and character development. He doesn’t shy away from pointing out what he sees as inconsistencies, implausibilities, and lack of attention to detail in Cooper’s narratives. Twain’s sharp wit and playful mockery serve as a commentary on the literary conventions of his time, making ‘Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offense an insightful and humorous exploration of storytelling craftsmanship.
Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?
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Question 4 of 27
4. Question
The passage below is taken from the opening lines of Charles Dickens’ timeless novel ‘Great Expectations.’
A young boy named Pip finds himself wandering in a desolate churchyard. On that desolate and foggy afternoon, I stood alone among the decaying graves, gazing at the weathered stones that marked the resting places of those long gone. A chill wind whispered secrets through the gnarled trees, and the dampness seeped into my bones. Before me stood a solitary figure, a weather-beaten tombstone, its inscription faded by time’s relentless touch. ‘What expectations lie buried beneath this earth?’ I mused, feeling the weight of the past pressing upon me like an invisible hand. My thoughts swirled like the mist around me, wondering about the lives that had passed, and the stories that had been lost to the ages.
Which choice best describes the function of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?
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Question 5 of 27
5. Question
The lines below are excerpted from Robert Frost’s famous poem ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.’ The speaker, captivated by a tranquil scene, contemplates the allure of nature’s embrace.
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
Which choice best describes the overall structure of the text?
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Question 6 of 27
6. Question
Text 1
Traditionally, the prevailing notion was that artistic expression followed a linear path, progressing from rudimentary forms to more sophisticated creations. This evolution was thought to mirror a societal trajectory, with art originating from primal instincts and gradually evolving into complex masterpieces. The introduction of new techniques and mediums further propelled this evolution, allowing artists to experiment and refine their craft.
Text 2
In a groundbreaking study published in 2022, art historians Emma Chambers and Miguel Rodriguez challenge the linear narrative of artistic development. Drawing from extensive research, they argue that artistic expression has always been characterized by fluidity and adaptability. Throughout history, artists have displayed a remarkable capacity to shift between diverse styles and mediums, creating works that reflect both individualistic and communal influences. This malleability challenges the notion of a singular artistic evolution and highlights the dynamic interplay between personal vision and societal context.
Based on the texts, both authors would most likely agree with which statement?
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Question 7 of 27
7. Question
Text 1Â
Historical narratives often portrayed the Renaissance as a linear progression, with art and culture evolving in a linear trajectory from medieval to modern. This perspective suggests a clear sequence of artistic styles, each building upon the other. The shift from Gothic to Renaissance art, for instance, has been characterized as a dramatic departure that marked a definitive break from the past.
Text 2
In a recent revisionist analysis, art historians Sarah Martinez and Diego Vega challenge the notion of a neat linear evolution in artistic styles. Their 2022 research contends that artists of the Renaissance displayed a dynamic interplay between traditional and innovative elements. They argue that the transition from Gothic to Renaissance was not abrupt but rather a complex process involving hybrid forms and gradual shifts. Martinez and Vega’s findings highlight how artists of the time embraced experimentation and incorporated diverse influences, creating a more intricate tapestry of artistic development.
Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 2 most likely respond to the discussion in Text 1?
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Question 8 of 27
8. Question
Text 1
Historical narratives about the development of musical styles have often adhered to a linear progression, tracing the evolution from rudimentary forms to complex compositions. The conventional belief has been that early societies produced basic rhythmic patterns and melodies, gradually evolving into more sophisticated musical arrangements. With the emergence of agriculture and settled communities, music was thought to have taken a more structured form, reflecting the hierarchical organization of society. As cultures flourished and exchanged musical traditions, the complexity of compositions grew, incorporating various instruments and intricate harmonies.
Text 2
In a recent study, musicologists Lisa Martinez and Jamal Williams challenge the traditional notion of linear musical evolution. Their research sheds light on the fact that musical styles have, throughout history, displayed remarkable flexibility and adaptability. Martinez and Williams highlight evidence that even in ancient cultures, musicians embraced a dynamic interplay between collective and hierarchical forms of musical expression. For instance, in some societies dating back thousands of years, seasonal shifts prompted shifts in musical ensembles and instruments. Musicians adeptly navigated between decentralized musical groups and structured ensembles.
Which choice best describes how Text 1 and Text 2 relate to each other?
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Question 9 of 27
9. Question
In the symphony of life, each note resonates with the harmony of existence, just as the colors of a painter’s palette dance upon the canvas in a mesmerizing choreography of light and shadow. As a skilled conductor guides an orchestra through the intricate rhythms of a composition, so too does the conductor of our experiences lead us through the passages of time. Like a delicate bird spreading its wings to embrace the open sky, our aspirations take flight when nurtured by the winds of inspiration. Just as a bird without air beneath its wings finds itself grounded, our dreams too find themselves anchored when deprived of the breath of possibility.
Based on the passage, how does the conductor of our experiences parallel the role of a skilled conductor guiding an orchestra through the intricate rhythms of a composition?
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Question 10 of 27
10. Question
The following passage is adapted from J.K. Rowling’s novel “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.” Harry, a young boy, has just discovered the magical world of wizards and witches.
Harry was an ordinary boy, living an unremarkable life, until he received a letter that changed everything. The letter, delivered by an owl, bore the news that Harry was a wizard, destined for a world of magic and wonder. With this revelation, Harry’s life took an unexpected turn, and he found himself absorbed in the study of spells and potions. Each day brought new discoveries and challenges, but Harry’s determination only grew stronger. What once seemed ordinary now felt like a thrilling adventure, a puzzle waiting to be solved. As he delved deeper into the world of wizardry, Harry’s fascination with magic became a driving force, propelling him to learn, practice, and uncover the secrets of his newfound abilities.
Which choice best states the main idea of the text?
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Question 11 of 27
11. Question
In the world of literature, writer collectives have been gaining attention for their unique approach to storytelling and publishing. These collectives, comprising authors with diverse backgrounds and writing styles, come together to create collaborative works that blend individual voices into a harmonious narrative. This collaborative model has sparked discussions about the challenges it poses to authors accustomed to maintaining sole control over their literary creations. The concept of writer collectives is born out of a desire to experiment with storytelling conventions, share political ideologies, or even to streamline the publishing process. While the motivations behind these collectives vary, a common thread is the idea that collaboration can lead to literary innovations that wouldn’t have been possible through solitary efforts.
Which finding, if true, would most directly highlight the central reason behind the emergence of writer collectives in the world of literature and their potential to create innovative narratives that go beyond the scope of individual efforts?
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Question 12 of 27
12. Question
In the realm of nutritional ecology, researchers have been investigating the symbiotic relationship between certain insects and specific plant species. A recent study delved into the intricate connections between insects and plants by focusing on their dietary preferences and the subsequent effects on plant growth and reproduction. To illustrate this phenomenon, a series of experiments were designed and executed. The study involved three distinct plant species, each chosen for its unique interaction with insects. Two of the selected plant species were known to provide a favorable habitat and nutrition source for specific insect pollinators. These species were classified as “pollinator-friendly hosts.” The third species, however, was identified as a “non-pollinator host,” as it did not exhibit the same benefits to insects and their reproductive success.
Which finding, if true, would most directly explain the classification of certain plant species as “pollinator-friendly hosts” and “non-pollinator host” within the context of the recent study investigating the symbiotic relationship between insects and specific plants in the realm of nutritional ecology?
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Question 13 of 27
13. Question
Over the span of 15 years, from 2008 to 2022, the number of recreational visitors to Yellowstone National Park in the United States has undergone a remarkable journey. From the rugged wilderness to the iconic geysers, the park’s natural wonders have beckoned travelers from far and wide. In 2008, the park welcomed a substantial number of visitors, setting the tone for the years to come. The allure of Yellowstone’s breathtaking landscapes, diverse wildlife, and unique geothermal features continued to capture the imagination of nature enthusiasts and adventurers alike. The researchers’ claim that by 2021, the park’s popularity had soared to new heights. The number of recreational visitors had reached unprecedented levels, a testament to the enduring appeal of Yellowstone’s pristine wilderness and vibrant ecosystems.
Number of recreational visitors to Yellowstone National Park in the United States from 2008 to 2022 (in millions)Which choice best describes data from the table that support the researchers’ claim?
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Question 14 of 27
14. Question
Art historians speculate that a significant portion of historical artworks attributed to renowned painters might have been the collaborative efforts of multiple artists working within a workshop. This notion challenges the conventional perception of individual artistic genius. While the lead artist’s name often takes center stage, scholars suggest that the contributions of other skilled artisans, working under the same creative banner, have been crucial to the creation of masterpieces. These anonymous collaborators, whose identities remain obscured by history, significantly shape the collective artistic endeavor,ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ_____________.
Which choice most logically completes the text?
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Question 15 of 27
15. Question
Within the vast expanse of the night sky, constellations emerge as celestial storytellers that have fascinated astronomers and dreamers for centuries. These patterns of stars, woven into the cosmic tapestry, inspire both scientific inquiry and imaginative exploration. Yet, the night sky also bears witness to a challenge that has gained prominence—light pollution. This modern phenomenon, stemming from the urbanization and excessive artificial lighting, threatens the clarity of our view of the stars, impacting not only our ability to unravel the mysteries of the universe but also___________.
Which choice most logically completes the text?
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Question 16 of 27
16. Question
In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel “The Great Gatsby,” the green light across the bay serves as a potent symbol. Positioned at the end of Daisy Buchanan’s dock, the green light represents Gatsby’s unattainable dreams and aspirations. For Gatsby, the light signifies his unwavering pursuit of the American Dream, as well as his longing for Daisy’s love. The color green itself is associated with hope and envy, mirroring Gatsby’s conflicting emotions and desires. As the story unfolds, the green light evolves ____________ of the elusive nature of dreams and the disillusionment that often accompanies their pursuit.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
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Question 17 of 27
17. Question
In an age characterized by connectivity, social media has emerged as a ubiquitous presence in our lives. Its impact on society, however, remains a subject of debate. On one hand, social media provides a platform for individuals to express themselves, connect with others globally, and raise awareness about critical issues. On the other hand, concerns about privacy breaches, cyberbullying, and the spread of misinformation __________ questions about its negative influence. To arrive at a well-rounded perspective, it’s essential to consider both the positive and negative aspects of social media’s role in shaping contemporary society.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
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Question 18 of 27
18. Question
The integration of technology in education has sparked a discussion about whether traditional textbooks should be replaced by digital tablets. Advocates argue that digital tablets offer interactive learning experiences, access to a wide range of resources, and the potential to lighten the burden of heavy backpacks. Additionally, they point out that digital platforms can be updated more easily, ensuring that students have access to the most current information. However, opponents __________ about potential distractions, the digital divide that could exclude some students, and the potential health effects of prolonged screen time.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
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Question 19 of 27
19. Question
Metaphors, often described as “the spice of language,” serve as powerful tools in literature. They allow writers to convey abstract ideas through vivid imagery, inviting readers to see the world through a new lens. _____________ in Shakespeare’s “All the world’s a stage” metaphor, life is likened to a theatrical performance, each individual playing various roles. This comparison enhances the reader’s understanding of life’s complexities and transitions. Similarly, in George Orwell’s “1984,” the metaphor of Big Brother represents oppressive government surveillance. Such metaphors imbue literature with depth, enabling readers to engage on both intellectual and emotional levels.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
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Question 20 of 27
20. Question
In ______________ effective communication skills are indispensable. From interpersonal relationships to professional success, the ability to convey ideas clearly and persuasively plays a pivotal role. Good communication fosters collaboration, minimizes misunderstandings, and promotes empathy. A well-structured argument can sway opinions and drive change, whether in political debates or advertising campaigns. Furthermore, communication transcends language, encompassing nonverbal cues and digital interactions. As technology continues to evolve, honing one’s communication skills becomes increasingly relevant in navigating a diverse and dynamic global landscape.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
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Question 21 of 27
21. Question
Cultural diversity enriches the tapestry of humanity in __________ different cultures bring unique perspectives, traditions, and values to the global stage. Embracing diversity fosters cross-cultural understanding, tolerance, and empathy. Exposure to a variety of worldviews challenges preconceived notions and promotes personal growth. Furthermore, cultural diversity fuels innovation by combining various ideas and approaches. In an increasingly interconnected world, appreciating and celebrating our differences is not just a moral imperative but also a source of strength that propels societies towards progress.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
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Question 22 of 27
22. Question
While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:
- Baking soda and baking powder are crucial in baking for achieving risen baked goods.
- Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) requires an acidic ingredient like honey to activate its leavening effect.
- Mixing baking soda with liquid causes carbon dioxide to be released, making batter rise during baking.
- Baking powder is a combination of sodium bicarbonate and an acid.
- Baking powder doesn’t need an additional acidic ingredient for carbon dioxide release.
- Liquid alone is enough to initiate the leavening process in baking powder.
- The difference between baking soda and baking powder lies in their activation requirements and leavening mechanisms.
- Baking soda needs acid and liquid, while baking powder requires only liquid to rise batter during baking.
The student’s research aims to emphasize a difference between baking soda and baking powder. Which of the following choices most effectively highlights this difference based on the information from the student’s notes?
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Question 23 of 27
23. Question
While delving into the world of ancient civilizations, a historian has compiled the following observations:
- The Inca Empire thrived in South America during the 15th and 16th centuries.
- Their capital, Cusco, was a marvel of urban planning and architecture.
- Machu Picchu, a renowned Inca citadel, was built atop the Andes Mountains.
- The Incas employed advanced stone-cutting techniques to construct precise and intricate buildings.
How can the historian best elucidate the significance of Machu Picchu to an audience unfamiliar with the Inca Empire’s achievements?
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Question 24 of 27
24. Question
Embarking on an exploration of marine ecosystems, a marine biologist has collected the following findings:
- Coral reefs are intricate underwater ecosystems supporting diverse marine life.
- Corals engage in a mutualistic relationship with photosynthetic algae called zooxanthellae.
- Ocean acidification, caused by increased carbon dioxide absorption, poses a threat to coral health.
- Researchers have discovered that some corals exhibit resilience to ocean acidification due to their genetic makeup.
How can the marine biologist best communicate the significance of genetic resilience in corals to an audience unfamiliar with coral reef ecosystems?
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Question 25 of 27
25. Question
In comparing the efficiency of solar panels and wind turbines as renewable energy sources, it becomes evident that each has distinct advantages. Solar panels harness energy directly from sunlight, producing electricity quietly and with minimal maintenance. _________ , wind turbines rely on wind power to generate electricity, which can vary in consistency. While both technologies contribute to sustainable energy solutions, the choice between them often depends on factors like geographical location and available resources.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?
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Question 26 of 27
26. Question
In the realm of technological advancements, artificial intelligence has emerged as a revolutionary force. Its potential extends across various sectors, from healthcare to finance, where it streamlines processes and enhances decision-making._______, while AI offers tremendous benefits, its ethical implications must not be overlooked. Striking a balance between technological progress and responsible development is crucial to ensuring AI’s positive impact on society.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?
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Question 27 of 27
27. Question
The exploration of the deep ocean reveals a realm of mystery and wonder. Marine biologists have identified countless species thriving in extreme depths, from bioluminescent creatures that light up the abyss to thermal vent communities that thrive near underwater geysers. ________, this biodiversity underscores the resilience of life and fuels scientific curiosity to unravel the secrets hidden beneath the waves.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?